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Pricing individual titles

By pricing individual titles you can, for instance, reduce prices for special offers or sale weeks, or increase prices for articles in heavy demand.

Using pricing models for individual titles you can price individual titles in the KNV database that have free or recommended retail prices. You can, for instance, research a title on the search form (e.g. with the aid of the non-books filter) and allocate a specific retail price to this title.

You can delete pricing models you no longer require.

Adding, changing deleting pricing for a title

On the Kalkulation [Pricing] menu select the Titelkalkulation [Title pricing] command. The Titelkalkulation [Title pricing] dialog box opens. The title prices already calculated are listed in this dialog box.

  •  Click to enlarge!
    If you want to edit or delete a title price, click the title number. If you want to add a new price for a title, click New. In both cases you can add/edit the title pricing in the right part of the dialog box.
  • In the Titelnummer [Title number] field enter the number of the title.
  • In the Verkaufspreis [Retail price] field enter the price at which you want to sell the title.
  • In the Anzeige in eigener Währung [Indication in custom currency] field select the option...
    Yes, if the price calculated is to be displayed with the currency text that you have entered in the program options.
    No, if prices are to be displayed with the currency text saved in the database.
    The checkout, invoicing and inventory can only manage one currency. If you use these functions, set Anzeige in eigener Währung [Indication in custom currency] to Yes.
  • Click Save. The title price is saved and reported to the back office checkout. 

Deleting a title price

  • Click the title price you want to delete.
  • Click Delete.
    A prompt appears as to whether you are sure you want to delete the title price.
  • Click the OK button. The title price is deleted from the configuration.
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