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Adding and editing a username allows you to add several usernames to work with the application in your bookshop. In this way individual settings (department to which the user belongs, password) are possible for each user. Usernames added can be deleted again.

Adding or editing usernames

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  • In the configuration program on the Mandanten [Clients] menu select the Benutzer [Username] command.
    The usernames already added are listed in Benutzer ausw�hlen [Select users].
  • If you want to edit or delete the settings for a user, click one of the usernames displayed.
  • If you want to add a new username, click Neuen Benutzer anlegen [Add new username].

In both cases you can enter/change the data for a username on the right in Benutzer bearbeiten [Edit username].

  • Enter a name for the user in the Benutzer [Username] field.
  • Enter a password in the Passwort [Password] field.
    Enter the password again in the Passwortwiederholung [Repeat password] field to protect against typing errors.
  • Allocate one or several departments to the username by clicking the related check box beside the department names. The departments activated are marked with a check mark.

If a username is allocated to several departments, one of the departments must be defined as the primary department. This is then the default entry in the Abteilung [Department] field on placing orders.

  • For this purpose select the related department in Primär-Abteilung [Primary department].
  • Select whether the user is to have full or restricted access to Only full access rights permit access to the back office checkout.

In the [ access] field select:

  • Biblio: all functions are available to this user except the back office checkout.
  • Biblio + BO: the back office checkout is also available to this user.
  • The permissions with the code MMR permit access to MMR online.

Delete user

Select the Benutzer [Username] menu command on the Mandanten [Clients] menu. Click the username you want to delete. In the Benutzer anlegen [Add username] dialog box click the Löschen [Delete] button. A prompt appears as to whether you are sure you want to delete the username. Click the OK button. The username is deleted from the configuration.

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